Monday, March 10, 2008

Correction to a Photo Below

A friend of mine here at PUC-Minas who has been following my blog told me that I got it wrong with this photo:Yes, there is class divide in Brazil. Yes, this divide can be seen in material juxtapositions almost everywhere you look. However, this photo is not one of them. The houses on the hill above the PUC library are not part of a favela, but rather a "middle-class" neighborhood. Favela, I have learned, is not a term that can be thrown around loosely at any conglomeration of multi-colored and capriciously built houses on a hill. Just goes to show that this Gringo has a lot yet to learn. Indeed, if I've learned anything after 5 weeks in this country, it's that this is a country that's always full of surprises.

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